THE NOTIFICATIONS ECOSYSTEM Notifications constitute an articulated application corner full of possibilities. It is aimed at creating the connection channels between: - who places points of presence in reality and associates them with augmented reality. These are the CLIENTs ofAPP4AR and, albeit to a lesser extent, the USERs; - connection between the various USERs, both individually and through groups defined and maintained by them; - connection between CLIENTs and all USERs in general and specifically to provide, in the case of subscription, assistance, support and follow-up; -connection between reality and USERs through technological mechanisms aimed at detecting presence. - connection with the stand dedicated to Cognitive Services (APP800 application corner) to provide the support of Artificial Intelligence, in this corner used for the preparation and content (textual and multimedia, multilingual) of the notifications prepared by USERs and CLIENTs; - connection between theAPP4AR system and the network of its USERs. Notifications are classified into three classes: 1 - the class of notifications that can be created byAPP4AR USERs; 2 - the class of notifications that can be created byAPP4AR CLIENTs; 3 - the class of notifications that are created by theAPP4AR system. When the APP 900 application corner is accessed, at start-up, two modes are automatically activated, chosen by the identification of the type of access: USER type and CLIENT type. As a result, different 3D selection modules appear on the stand: two modules for the USER and two modules for use by CLIENTs. The modules presented to the USER allow you to: Left module: - the creation of a new notification; - the definition of the policy that controls the permissions and restrictions on the notifications that can be sent to the connected USER, by CLIENTs and by the system; - the definition of the policy that controls the permissions and restrictions on the notifications that can be sent to the connected USER by his friendly USERs; Right module: - on the two sides two icons indicate whether notifications have occurred (in any case those of the accepted type, and sent as regulated) to the attention of the connected USER, recipient: one signals the presence of notifications sent by CLIENTs, the other the presence notifications sent by friends; - in the center there is the button to enter and examine the notifications that have arrived. The modules presented in the case of access by anAPP4AR CLIENT are different: Left module allows: - the creation of a new notification; - the definition of the policy that controls the permissions and restrictions on notifications that can be sent by its own CLIENTs indicated with the term of contacts; - the notifications generated by the CLIENTs may have a cost (in xAR Follis Ethéreum) determined according to the type of notification, the extension of the sending, the required residence time. By accessing the button present and indicated by the xAR token, the CLIENT can have the statement of charges for notifications. Such charges are, like all charges inAPP4AR, regulated by Smart Contracts published and active on the Ethéreum Main Network. Right 3D module: - on the two sides, two icons indicate whether notifications have occurred (in any case those of the accepted type and sent as regulated by the policy of the connected CLIENT): one signals the presence of notifications sent by CLIENTs, the other the presence of notifications sent by System. In fact, in the case of CLIENTs,APP4AR also maintains support connected to custom activities such as the creation of 3D objects and 3D environments in augmented reality, and in any case support activities solicited by specific notifications sent by the CLIENT to the system (notifications who open an assistance ticket, and also regulated by a specific Smart Contract); - in the center is the button, as in the case of the connected USER, to enter and examine the notifications that have occurred. Notifications are identified with a specific icon. Some are triggered by events attributable to physical reality and are called location notifications. Others are generated by the sending intervention by the sender. The notifications currently foreseen are the following: 1; Reporting a standard promotional campaign. This type of notification can be created and entered by CLIENTs; 2 ; Reporting an Ethéreum promotional campaign: This type of notification can be created and entered by CLIENTs ;; 3; Request to start a text-based chat session. This type of notification can be created and entered by CLIENTs and USERs; 4; Request to start a voice conversation session. This type of notification can be created and entered by CLIENTs and USERs; 5; Request to start a video chat session. This type of notification can be created and entered by CLIENTs and USERs; 6; Notification of the availability of an online interaction served by a basic type CHIRP. CHIRP is the interactive message mechanism used by CLIENTs to communicate with USERs, with their contacts. A type of CHIRP can be inserted into augmented reality and presented for interaction, but it can also be the subject of the content of a notification. This type of notification can be created and entered by CLIENTs; i 7; Notification of the availability of an online interaction served by a CHIRP with the simultaneous activation of a BOT, a robot developed according to the potential of Artificial Intelligence in order to guide and facilitate USER dialogue with CHIRP. This type of CHIRP can also be inserted in augmented reality and presented for interaction, but also be the subject of the content of a notification. This type of notification can be created and entered by CLIENTs; 8; Notification generated with the support of Artificial Intelligence cognitive services. The Cognitive Services stand (APP 800) is an articulated application corner present inAPP4AR dedicated to the complete support of Artificial Intelligence in the language sector. The interaction between APP 900 and APP 800 allows to generate vocal, textual, interpretative, multilingual notifications obtained from this cooperative interaction. This type of notification can be created and entered by CLIENTs and USERs; 9; Meeting point notification. It constitutes the invitation to an encounter in physical reality. Whoever receives the notification and activates it receives support in a guidance procedure (based on GPS) which helps to reach the meeting point. It is used in integration with augmented reality: the finding of an augmented reality of interest allows the person who activated the content to invite others to proceed to the hot spot that generated the reality itself. This type of notification can be created and entered by CLIENTs and USERs. CLIENTs can, for example, also use it as a promotional mechanism to facilitate attendance at events aimed at their CLIENTs. 10; Internet notification of things. This notification is of the localization typology. It is created by the owner of a localized active internet of things device. If authorized, this type of reception (according to a filter policy described below). the proximity of these hot spots determines the generation of the localized presence notification. Activating the notification involves starting functions on the Internet of Things device.APP4AR implements some devices and activates specific interaction APP. This type of notification can be created and entered by CLIENTs; 11; Target notification. This is a location notification and is the link between reality and augmented reality. Always subject to permissions, authorizations and content filters, ie to the definition of the relative listening policy, the proximity of the USER to a hot point of presence in reality generates a notification. If the recipient, having received the notification, decides to activate its content, the virtual reality associated with the hot spot is transported and produced in the presentation STAND. This type of notification can be created and entered by CLIENTs and USERs (with some limitations); 12; Virtual Reality Transfer Notification. Imagine a USER who, finding himself in augmented reality, has activated the virtual reality associated with a hotspot, of any type. For example, he is browsing a magazine, a newspaper, he is in front of a road panel, in front of a help desk, and he has framed, with his smartphone, a Vufòria target image (a photograph, or object of collection). Instead, he could be in a shop in front of a window, framing a 3D object, or an exposed target, which could be an image, a card, a marker, or even a scrolling page presented in an active Smart TV. He wants his friends to be able to participate in the virtual reality he is experiencing. He then proceeds to notify the selected friends of this notification, and they, receiving and activating it, will be able to live the same virtual experience. This type of notification can be created and entered by CLIENTs and USERs; 13; System notifications. These notifications are generated by theAPP4AR system and are generally addressed to USERs for general problems. For CLIENTs, the dispatch is used for assistance related to functional maintenance or for the management of the planned custom activities (such as the construction of 3D targets or environments). USERs can only receive such notifications. The creation is available to CLIENTs, according to the conditions described by the Smart Contract relating to this type of notification. Update, permissions and restrictions can be activated on notifications. It constitutes the reception plan. The recipients, be they CLIENTs or USERs, for the types of notifications they can potentially receive, define for each type, a plan that includes: 1; which subjects can send such notifications indicating the code or define extensive authorization lists with the specification of exclusions. This mainly applies to the management of relationships between USERs and friends and groups of friends; 2; If the sender has the type of CLIENT, the permitted or limited market codes can be specified using the European classification called NACE; 3; For notifications that come from augmented reality, the potential recipient can define the geographic sensitivity; 4; the update frequency, even being able, in some moments, to suspend listening to some types of notifications. Remember that notifications have the support of Cognitive Services, and in the act of their creation, multilingual support is offered so that (especially for notifications prepared by CLIENTs and addressed to their CLIENTs) their presentation is automatically and multilingual. The languages ​​provided are those offered by Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services The notification network uses the Microsoft Azure BUS SERVICES services (TRADEMARK) , creating a powerful structure to support security, stability and highly scalable.
SMART CONTRACT IN ETHEREUM The user of the APP for AR 3D has access to the ECO SYSTEM of notifications at no cost. The CLIENT who uses the ECO SYSTEM of notifications to enter commercial notifications, for assistance and support to his CLIENTs, for the custom activity delegated or carried out in collaboration with APP4AR, is subject to costs regulated by Ethéreum Contracts. The CLIENT must activate the additional NOTIFIER role. The underlying Smart Contract includes the tariff policy applied by APP4AR for commercial notifications. The list of contract codes (accessible on the Ethèreum network in order to examine the details relating to the settlement conditions) are: - ACNT-CHIRPSNOTIFICATION for notifications with CHIPRS - ACNT-CHIPRSANDBOTNOTIFICATION for notifications with CHIPRS and the support of Artificial Intelligence BOT - ACNT-COGNITIVETEXT-NOTIFICATION text notifications with support of Cognitive Services - ACNT-COGNITIVEVOCALCLIP-NOTIFICATION voice clip notifications with support of Cognitive Services - ACNT-TARGET-NOTIFICATION notification of targets (active point of presence in reality) in virtual reality - ACNT-TRANSFERID-NOTIFICATION notification of transfer of virtual reality associated with a target ((active point of presence in reality) - ACNT-CL-NOTIFICATION-TO-SYS notification for system support (ticket) It is possible to sign subscriptions and specific contractual conditions for the needs and the volume suited to the needs of the individual CLIENT. In any other case, the settlement Smart Contract is the one with the "STANDARD" classification key.
DEFINITION OF THE NOTIFICATION RECEPTION POLICY The notifications that the user or the APP4AR CLIENT can receive require the definition of the notification rules. At the time of creating a notification (for example in the case he sends us he is a CLIENT and wishes to notify the existence of a promotion based on Ethéreum, or notify a meeting point; or in the case that the person creating the notification is a user and wants transfer to a friend of his, the virtual reality he has just activated in front of a showcase) APP4AR verifies, if the notification provides for a specified recipient, whether this notification can be accepted by that recipient. If the specified recipient has not defined a policy that allows the notification to be received, the creation is not authorized. In the case of notification without a specified recipient (however, only CLIENTs have access to the creation of this type of notification), the notification is produced but will be sent only to recipients who demonstrate interest in the type, sender and market sector. Therefore, the user for each type of notification must specify: 1; for the notifications that he can receive from APP4AR CLIENTs specific, type by type, such as CLIENT senders, being able to indicate a list of authorized or, on the contrary, blocked CLIENTs; in any case subject to commercial sectors indicated by the Eurostat NACE code list and for notifications that are automatically generated, location notifications, from what physical distance from the hot spots or from the CLIENT's premises, he wishes to receive the notification. If, on the other hand, the type of notification foresees a friend or a group as the sender, for each type of this type the list of enabled or blocked friends must be specified. A friend will not be able to generate any type of notification to a recipient if, at the time of creation, APP4AR does not have the recipient's authorization. The residence time and other dynamic aspects are instead specified at the time of creation of each notification created, of a certain type.
TYPES OF NOTIFICATIONS AVAILABLE AND SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE FUNCTIONALITY 1 - Reporting a standard promotional campaign. This type of notification can be created and entered by clients; 2 - Reporting of an Ethéreum-type promotional campaign: This type of notification can be created and entered by clients ;; 3 - Request to start a text-based conversation session. This type of notification can be created and entered by clients and users; 4 - Request to start a voice conversation session. This type of notification can be created and entered by clients and users; 5 - Request to start a video conversation session. This type of notification can be created and entered by clients and users; 6 - Notification of the availability of an on-line interaction served by a basic type CHIRP. CHIRP is the interactive message mechanism used by clients to communicate with users, with their contacts. A type of CHIRP can be inserted into augmented reality and presented for interaction, but it can also be the subject of the content of a notification. This type of notification can be created and entered by clients; i 7 - Notification of the availability of an on-line interaction served by a CHIRP with the simultaneous activation of a BOT, a robot developed according to the potential of Artificial Intelligence in order to guide and facilitate user dialogue with CHIRP. Also this type of CHIRP it can be inserted in augmented reality and presented for interaction, but also be the subject of the content of a notification. This type of notification can be created and entered by clients; 8 - Notification generated with the support of Artificial Intelligence cognitive services. The Cognitive Services stand (APP 800) is an articulated application corner present in APP4AR dedicated to the complete support of Artificial Intelligence in the language sector. The interaction between APP 900 and APP 800 allows to generate vocal, textual, interpretative, multilingual notifications obtained from this cooperative interaction. This type of notification can be created and entered by clients and users; 9 - Notification of meeting point. It constitutes the invitation to an encounter in physical reality. Whoever receives the notification and activates it receives support in a guidance procedure (based on GPS) which helps to reach the meeting point. It is used in integration with augmented reality: the finding of an augmented reality of interest allows the person who activated the content to invite others to proceed to the hot spot that generated the reality itself. This type of notification can be created and entered by clients and users. clients can, for example, also use it as a promotional mechanism to facilitate attendance at events aimed at their clients. 10 - Internet notification of things. This notification is of the localization typology. It is created by the owner of a localized active internet of things device. If authorized, this type of reception (according to a filter policy described below). the proximity of these hot spots determines the generation of the localized presence notification. Activating the notification involves starting functions on the Internet of Things device. APP4AR implements some devices and activates specific interaction APP. This type of notification can be created and entered by clients; 11 - Notification of Target. This is a location notification and is the link between reality and augmented reality. Always subject to permissions, authorizations and content filters, ie to the definition of the relative listening policy, the proximity of the user to a hot point of presence in reality generates a notification. If the recipient, having received the notification, decides to activate its content, the virtual reality associated with the hot spot is transported and produced in the presentation STAND. This type of notification can be created and entered by clients and users (with some limitations); 12 - Virtual Reality Transfer Notification. Imagine a user who, finding himself in augmented reality, has activated the virtual reality associated with a hotspot, of any type. For example, he is browsing a magazine, a newspaper, he is in front of a road panel, in front of a help desk, and he has framed, with his smartphone, a Vufòria target image (a photograph, or object of collection). Instead, he could be in a shop in front of a window, framing a 3D object, or an exposed target, which could be an image, a card, a marker, or even a scrolling page presented in an active Smart TV. He wants his friends to be able to participate in the virtual reality he is experiencing. He then proceeds to notify the selected friends of this notification, and they, receiving and activating it, will be able to live the same virtual experience. This type of notification can be created and entered by clients and users; 13 - System notifications. These notifications are generated by the APP4AR system and are generally addressed to users for general problems. For clients, the dispatch is used for assistance related to functional maintenance or for the management of the planned custom activities (such as the construction of 3D targets or environments). Users can only receive such notifications. The creation is available to clients, according to the conditions described by the Smart Contract relating to this type of notification.
MICROSOFT AZURE ® BUS SERVICES BUS SERVICES ARCHITECTURE FOR NOTIFICATIONS RECEIVER TYPE: USER It is aimed at optimizing reception: the notification is intended to favor the arrival to the recipient. The User can receive various types of notifications from other Users (friends) from FRIEND-TO-USER, from CLIENTs from CLIENT-TO-USER, from the APP4AR system, from SYS-TO-USER (these only general notifications not specific to the user who does not have direct SYS-SERVICES support). RECEIVER TYPE: CLIENT The CLIENT can receive various types from the CLIENTs with whom you have established a form of assistance. These Users are indicated with the name of the CLIENT's CONTACTS (obtained and authorized through the mechanism of interactive CHIRPS (simple or assisted by AI BOTS) although it is also possible through other forms of authorization not strictly related to the functions of APP4AR. (from CONTACT-TO-CLIENT). The CLIENT can also receive from the APP4AR SYSTEM since he can activate various types of optional support (mostly related to the creation of Vuforia 3D Object Scanner ®). But in general it may need support using APP4AR in a professional way. Note that notifications from the CLIENT to APP4AR or vice versa involve a cost loaded on the ticket. These notifications are from SYS-TO-CLIENT. RECEIVER TYPE: SYSTEM The APP4AR Services system can receive generic reports from Users, without follow-up, which are taken into account in the maintenance of the system, from USERS-TO-SYS. Those supported with by follow-up are notifications received from CLIENTs: from CLIENT-TO-SYS. At the first set-up in the APP900 at the start of the Policy section, both for the connected USER or CLIENT, it is checked whether the assignment to the various reception topics has already occurred and if not, the assignments are made according to a balancing procedure between NAMESPACES and TOPICS dedicated to the respective receptions from Users-Friends, from the System or reception from CLIENTs. The CLIENT is assigned a channel for sending notifications to the system. Similarly for the USER.