DLT [Distributed Ledger Technologies] ECOSYSTEM - ROLES
APP for AR 3D includes an articulated system architecture, named MULTI-DLT ECO-SYSTEM, using Ethereum and Algorand as means to define and operate through dedicated Smart Contracts to implement multiple functions
Eco-System for Augmented Reality components sales, Augmented Reality services, and partnership royalties payments.
Smart Contracts regulate payments for APP4AR services fees, clients-users and NFT sellers, 2D 3D COLLECTIONS sellers, ADVERTIZERS, contents royalties Partners, ETH-ALGO--STORE purchases, and benefits from promotional ETH-ALGO-CAMPAIGNS.
Eco-System for Augmented Reality components sales, services, and partnership royalties payments.
Smart Contracts regulate payments for APP4AR services fees, clients-users and NFT sellers, 2D 3D COLLECTIONS sellers, ADVERTIZERS, contents royalties Partners, ETH-STORE purchases, and benefits from promotional ETH-ALGO--CAMPAIGNS.
Transactions may, depending on the underlying SMART CONTRACT, be executed instantly or cumulated on a deferred basis.
Click on the image to get information on the available ROLES and related MULTI-DLT-ECOSYSTEM underlying
In addition to the basic role of the subscriber as a CLIENT or USER of the APP4AR Services, the subscriber can acquire additional roles that allow activating expansions to his presence in augmented reality.
These roles allow the subscriber to create content or access active objects with underlying additional content and functionality.
Some roles, each with its own specific ETHEREUM - ALGO ACCOUNT [address] only allow debit transactions, other types allow debit and credit transactions, and in any case, regulated by an underlying Smart Contract that implements the contractual conditions underlying the transactions generated during the activity which takes place in Augmented Reality.
APP4ARquotes all the services provided and the MULTI-DLT-ECOSYSTEM of DEBTS and CREDITS regarding the roles envisaged, using the Follis xAR token.
XAR is the unit of valuation, it is neither a pre-purchasable nor purchasable currency.
The tariffs may be of fixed type or percentage type according to the specific activity to which they refer, any role involved, both debited or credited in the transaction.
Each role is served by an underlying SMART CONTRACTS each published on the relevant blockchain.
APP4AR uses two alternative and parallel payment systems based on the ETHEREUM and ALGORAND blockchain.
Thsi ECOSYSTEM is named MULTI-DLT-ECOSYSTEM whre DLT stand for Distributed Ledger Technologies .
Each transaction involves the conversion of xAR into the crypto currency chosen by the role holder, according to the algorith specified below.
The one who activates a role decides on which blockchain he wants the transactions to be carried out being . The owner is able to choose the preferred blockchain for the each different roles, different for different roles.
Of course too the main personal role of the CLIENT or the optional personl role of the USER has both accounts and the underlying SMART CONTRACTS deployed at the time of role creation.
When a role acts as a debit counterpart, APP4ARR checks which crypto currency the creditor counterpart has chosen as preferred for the role involved and this determines the choice of the debit counterpart account.
If the debit account has no capacity, APP4AR switches to the other counterpart account.
If both have no capacity and the ALERT-RECOVERY procedure ,described in the ALERT-RECOVERY page, is activated and the the role is suspended.
The credit counterparty receives the transaction fee in the currency thus determined.
The availability of the two parallel accounts is not combined to avoid excessive transaction costs. No debt is splitted.
The settlement of a charge is therefore always traceable in a single transaction, and APP4AR , acting as Oracle, takes into account which blockchain hosted the regulation.
When counterparty acts on credit, the crypto currency affected by the credit is determined as a result of the algoritm described above, aimed at favoring availability on the debtor's side.
If the DEBIT counterparty is APP4AR, it pays according to the above mechanism.