SMART TVs can be physical in nature (physical TV devices located in a specified physical location) or purely virtual (consisting of a broadcast URL address).
They are programmable, multilingual containers able to offer SCHEDULES for programming active images [of the custom type].
The pages of the Insert scroll automatically according to the rhythm of the defined pauses.
The pages include explanatory texts in all the selected languages and direct to active objects and if you create the TV program for devices capable of intercepting a pointer action [VIRTUAL SMART TV on PC or on SMART TV in desk-panel equipped with remote control] to play sound clips.
Management of your smart TV or TV Desk.
You your physical devices and enter the data for their physical location.
If you are thinking of creating a delocalized channel (i.e. a simple URL address to be entered in a browser that can be activated anywhere), you will need to specify the non-localization option.
Remember that the channel presents, according to your schedule, the pages in the languages you want, with or without the presence of active targets inserted.
As always, the active targets (in this case your custom image targets) are associated with a DISPATCHER capable of activating specific augmented reality according to the filters you have defined for it:
- language filters and the identity of that frame.
The recognition and navigation events are always stored both by using Analytics db-based methods and by creating SMART TV access A.I. EVENTS NOTIFICATIONS.
will be used to analyze the effectiveness of the television channel. For this type of analysis, remember to use specific active targets for each channel;
If you create TV Channels as a USER, you will not be charged any costs but you will not have access to event analysis in augmented reality.
If you operate as a CLIENT, you have full support for the service and each channel creation (CHANGE) involves a registration on the SMART CONTRACT with the code ACNT-SMTVCOLLECTION according to the price class you have defined. By default, the reference is to the STANDARD class (therefore Smart Contract ACNT-SMTVCOLLECTION / STANDARD)..