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Cognitive services for language allow you to translate PDF documents originating from printouts in PDF format of any document accessible and valuable for Augmented Reality.
This service is paid and is therefore limited to the CLIENTS and to the users who have a basic account in good standing.
In these videos, the user (who logs in in English) receives an invitation to check the status of his account.
Note on the contrary, that processing of the source document is always permitted and is free of charge.

This video shows an example of use.
In the example, an English-speaking user is logged in.
All User Interfaces are presented in English as are the messages.
The user selects a PDF printout obtained from Wikipedia where a tourist location in Italy is described.
First, she/he chooses to print out the created Wikipedia reference, then sets the language of the document (US English), inserts the identifier of the PDF resource and a description which will be translated into the languages requested.
He then chooses from the list of available languages in which language he wishes the translation to be produced. Adds and removes options.
The selection ends with the sole choice of the Japanese language.
The logged user starts the procedure.
The procedure highlights the various steps of the reading and translation process.
The page number found, which price lists the customer agreed with APP4AR [here STANDARD price list]  and the overall cost of the procedure is evaluated and highlighted.
This will ultimately be recorded as a debit in the customer's ledger with the subsequent deferred payment resolution (Smart Contract).
At the end of the various phases you can search your PDF resources database:
Once you have chosen a resource, in the corner dedicated to viewing, scrolling the menu at the top right, you will be able to examine versions in the various languages in which the PDF resource is available.
The example displays both the original version (in English) and the one translated into Japanese [one target language].
Note that the graphic part of the images is best preserved.

By selecting the dedicated option, it is possible to download the PDF resource on a WEB page for use outside the APP4AR environment.

Cognitive language services allow you to translate PDF documents originating from PDF printouts of any accessible and valuable document for Augmented Reality.
In this example, the application angle is applied to a version of the document and
multiple target languages are selected (in this example Spanish, French and Korean).
The next view allows you to examine the three generated versions in addition to the original English version.

By selecting the dedicated option, it is possible to download the PDF resource on a WEB page for use outside the APP4AR environment.

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