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A4R is an environment dedicated to the creation, management and presentation of augmented reality.
The user has access to a 3D environment where the APPs that are part of the multi-APP ecosystem are available and distributed in the 3D space in stands located in the multi-APP "Village".

  •   The "village" is made up of virtual squares overlooked by stands and dedicated application corners:

  • - choosing the roles you want to take on in augmented reality;

  • - the functions dedicated to the creation of resources to be used in augmented reality;

  • - to the design of connections between virtual and physical reality;

  • - to the design of the content in augmented reality;

  • - to the visualization of virtual reality;

  • - to the production for the sale or purchase of "objects" to be placed in physical reality;

  • - to the production for the sale or purchase of NFTs;

  • - the definition of promotional campaigns;

  • - the analysis of events;

  • - cognitive research (AI);

  • - access to the notification ecosystem;

  • - the creation and use of generative AI;

  • - to the xAr token account (Follis) and to Ethereum Smart Contracts

  • -  ... and so on. Go to for more details

The super APP allows you to design and manage every aspect of augmented reality and its connections with the real world.
All application corners, both project or content type and analysis, are available to the logged user.
Depending on the roles the logged decide to take on, the underlying application corners are activated.
However, the APP4AR ECO SYSTEM allows an alternative approach based on BUSINESS UNITS - APP.

Coordinated APP FACTORY (CAF) allows you to combine, as in the assembly line of a factory, the countless APPs present in the augmented reality of APP4AR to build assemblies of coordinated APPs to create functions for direct use by users or to carry out service activities towards users. Production can be internal to APP4AR carried out in collaboration with PARTNERS or delegated to PARTNERS under license.CAF allows you to combine, as in the assembly line of a factory, the countless APPs present in the augmented reality of APP4AR to build assemblies of coordinated APPs to create functions for direct use by users or to carry out service activities towards users . Production can be internal to APP4AR carried out in collaboration with PARTNERS or delegated to PARTNERS under license.

Certificate CoordinatedAPpFactory2023-10-25_163434.png


This page illustrates the APPs included in the APP FACTORY. For each, the market sector, the type of production and use, and the representative icon are briefly illustrated.


Whenever a "dispatcher" is created which indicates the presence of an underlying augmented reality, by default APP4Ar generates an entry in the META-WEB by inserting a series of textual information, and the active image, the creator's data (code and name public), the georeference code if the active target is physically located (and not virtual or multi-use). This service is the basis of access through the BING WEB search engine in the custom version of APP4AR (WEB SEARCH).
Differently from this, the sending of any information object to the Cognitive Research Service determines an A.I. process. lexical, semantic and interpretative and makes intelligent searches accessible to WIFs within the APP4AR APPs (
A.I. supported SEARCH)


Custom active targets are generally superimposed with a watermark as a unique identifier generated by APP4AR or other textual watermarks decided by the owner.
For localized active targets it is advisable to enter the
GEOREFENCE code. This will allow Cognitive Search Services to extract this information from the image by creating a key and making a search by physical location possible. Please refer to PACKAGE GEO.
In all PACKAGES where images are handled, the WATERMARK APP is provided to allow the insertion of texts in the generated images and blobs.
In all PACKAGES where content sent to
Cognitive  Search Services such as text blobs, images, PDF resources, texts and voice reading can be generated, it is always possible to associate meta information corresponding to the identifier of a dispatcher. This will allow the outcome of the search carried out using the Cognitive Research Services to activate the dispatcher and therefore the underlying augmented reality



The SHOWCASE stand is able to host the presentation, i.e. the instantiation, of any content component. This will be presented in augmented reality if the current dispatcher-addressed album provides for its presence.;
CHIRP A.I. component may also be included. for a generative cognitive session. If the content presented by the activated dispatcher includes a cognitive engine (an Open A.I. model owned and maintained by the activated customer underlying the ongoing augmented reality) it will be possible to insert a CHIRP A.I. and this allows the WIF to interact with a dialogue supported by A.I.

PACKAGES marked with the CHIRP A.I symbol can create and managean A.I custom model, power it and insert augmented reality into a CHIRP A.I. to allow the WIF to interact in a generative mode with the cognitive model



Each package always includes the following App modules:

  • - login to allow the first registration or the insertion of data, the activation of the basic role and the additional role required by the functionality of the package, [insertion or generation of the accounts];

  • - if the service is provided via a partner there is the partner's Ethereum account;

  • - Eth -Wallet dedicated to the creation of the wallet for the basic role or additional required;

  • - Eth Smart Contract dedicated to the display of the basic and additional Smart Contract and the deployment of the signed contract;

  • - ETH - History allows the display of cost or debt transactions on the basic or additional contract. In all the following packages it is meant that this app group is always included.



Note: contracts and accounts with the related icons depend on the specific package. These shown are by way of example


The business unit provides a package for managing patients in a medical practice.
The medical practice is structured in an innovative way to be able to access augmented reality with the support of lexical, semantic and AI cognitive services. generative.
Each patient is present in the physical reality of the Medical Practice with his identification Token which can be easily selected with the shot in the A.R. DESK. available to the healthcare professional.
The local archive, textual, vocal and multi-media information constitute the augmented reality resources kept in the cloud with very high levels of security.
Data search makes use of cognitive systems and A.I. support. generative can produce effective and rapid medical history profiles.
The inclusion in augmented reality of components dedicated to "dialogue" [called "CHIRP" simple and A.I.] or CHATS allows patients
an effective and modern interaction simply by using the viewing APP.
The data is classified by type of access and diversified into the sub-group for professionals and studio staff.
The teleportation capacity of virtual reality allows the connection between medical practices of different specialities.
The cognitive support of languages adds a highly innovative potential.
The use of the application corner served by the ADVANCE EMAIL APP completes the potential for communicating texts, clips and attachments for consultancy or second opinion activities



The business unit provides a package for managing the clients of a professional firm in the legal sector.
The Studio is structured in an innovative way to be able to access augmented reality with the support of lexical, semantic and AI cognitive services. generative.
Each customer is present in the physical reality of the Professional Studio with their identification token which can be easily selected by framing in the A.R. DESK. available to the professional.
The local archive, textual, vocal and multi-media information constitute the augmented reality resources kept in the cloud with very high levels of security.
Data search makes use of cognitive systems and A.I. support. generative can produce effective and rapid profiles of professional assistance.
The inclusion in augmented reality of components dedicated to "dialogue" [called "CHIRP" simple and A.I. ] or CHATS allows customers
an effective and modern interaction simply by using the viewing APP.
The data is classified by type of access diversified into the sub-group for the owner of the professional firm and for the support staff.
The teleportation capacity of virtual reality allows the connection between law and expert firms.
The cognitive support of languages adds a highly innovative potential.
The use of the application corner served by the ADVANCE EMAIL APP completes the potential for communicating texts, clips and attachments for consultancy activities.



The business unit provides a business card management package.
The user or customer can request three types of business cards: personal, professional and company.
The data entered determines registration as an APP4AR User and is therefore assigned a registration code.
The Package allows you to choose the logo, checks its uniqueness and non-collision and activates the target image.
The user completes the textual data of the business card.
By specifying their base language, the user chooses the content components to develop in augmented reality, being able to insert:
- a text as a resource for the processing of language by the Cognitive Services, generating the related textual and vocal parts in all the languages provided.
- an informative PDF file which is sent to the PDF resources corner producing versions in all the languages provided;
- a blob as descriptive text to be sent to the Cognitive Research Services to allow access to APP4AR Cognitive Research;
- a filmed blob
- a simple CHIRP for contact collection
- an AGENDA component;
The Package generates the Dispatcher towards augmented reality.


COMMERCIAL USE - INSTRUCTION MANUALS Medicinal illustrative leaflet

The business unit provides a package for managing instruction manuals that accompany products that require assembly or use instructions. It also finds application for the illustrative leaflets of medicinal products and for personal care.
The current trend is to use simple talking icons where possible in order to suggest operations to the purchasing customer.
Having to address an international clientele today, manuals constitute a significant component in product packaging and are often accompanied by not entirely efficient readability.
The Package is developed in Service with the possible use of API to receive updated content components from the client manufacturer according to the production program.
The customer is registered with a unique code for each product for which he activates the service.
The Package content:
- API for sending the product logo and verifying its uniqueness and non-collision and in case of success the target image is activated.
- the customer specifies the base language for sending the multimedia manuals;
- the manual with illustrations as an informative PDF file which is sent to the PDF resources corner producing versions in all the languages provided;
- a text blob for the production of instructions in vocal and textual format and is sent to the Cognitive Language Services for production in all supported languages; to allow access to APP4AR Cognitive Research;
- a blob as text that is sent to the Cognitive Research Services to allow access to the APP4AR Cognitive Research;
- a unique movie blob or movie for each chosen language;
- a simple CHIRP for collecting the warranty initiation and for notes and comments from the buyer

-  a group of images for the creation of the corner of the image;
The Package generates the Dispatcher towards augmented reality.



The Business Unit Provides a Package for Managing Advertising Campaigns in Augmented Reality.
Please refer to the pages Where the Structure of the Advertising Channels That Can Be Activated in the Overall App4ar Eco-System is described.
This Service Managed Service Allows You To Activate Different Alternative Advertising Plans.
Apis Are used to Receive The Components of the Advertising Campaign.
Advertising Plans include The Following Options:
- The Priority Level;
- The Number of Pilot Targets;
- If you Activate The Resolution for GPS,
- Physical and Virtual Locations;
- Programs and Schedules for Smart TVs;
- Use of Radio Stations Managed in Service or Independently;
- Album/Dispatcher Definition;
- Content Multimedia, PDF Resources, and Text Blobs for Language Services;
- Simple Chrp in the Content Plan;
- Optionally Chirp A.I. with the Sending of the Knowledge Base to Feed The Knowledge Engine;
- Insertion of a Defect in Cognitive Research Services;
The Campaign Involves Multiple Presences in Physical Reality But A Single Multimedia Content Developed in Multi-Languages;
- Optional Analysis of the Effectiveness of present in Physical Reality;



The package aims to process pdf documents (however generated by the customer) to obtain versions in all the languages supported.
The structure of the pages as well as graphics are maintained.
The documents generated become Blob available for download or for other uses in augmented reality.
Two options are included:
1 - It is possible to request that the entire group of multilingual documents produced is sent to cognitive services for research.
In this case, the documents are analyzed both lexically and semantically and become resource accessible to the users of App4ar extinguishing the keys of content and interpretation.
2 - Another option allows you to insert the identification to a dispatcher as meta information. This option will allow that following research that includes one of the group's documents, a user can activate the augmented reality below the indicated dispatcher.



The package aims to draw a multi-language and multi-medial information resource also equipped with a possible interaction to be attacked in augmented reality to provide complete information content and support to the user citizen. Examples of this type of use of increased reality are:

- information kiosks at the acceptance of hospital units;

- information kiosks for public administration; - information kiosks for tourist agencies;

- Informative kiosks in stations and airports;


The package includes: - API for sending the logo-product and verifies its uniqueness and does not collide and in the case of success activates the target image;

 - the customer specifies the basic language to send multimedia manuals;

- the manual with illustrations as an information pdf file that is sent to the corner of the PDF resources by producing the versions in all the languages provided;

- a Blob Text for the production of the instructions Vocal and textual format and is sent to the cognitive services of language for production in all supported languages; to allow access to App4ar cognitive research;

- a Blob as a text that is sent to cognitive research services to allow access to App4ar cognitive research;

- a unique blob or a movie for each chosen language;

- a simple chirp for the collection of the warranty and for the notes and comments from the user;

- a group of images for the creation of the corner of the image.

 The package generates the dispatcher towards augmented reality.



The package aims to offer the user a lexical and semantic organizer for the files available in local archives.
As the file increases, the search for the content and identification of the correct file can be onerous.
The package manages PDF files, text and images.
Expanding for Word documents is expected.
The documents are selected by the local archive via the Browser App Corner included in the package.
The package also includes the application corner for the definition of friends and groups of friends.
The file selected by the user specifies the type of access allowed indicating to which individual friends or to which groups of friends the document is visible. For any other subject, the document is invisible.
If not specified, the document is visible only to the owner.
Friends and groups must be recorded by the users of App4AR
If the user uses augmented reality to generate content, she/he can selectively insert as meta-info the dispatcher ID.
This allows you to use each document as a sort of cover of the multimedia content and therefore this option is often joined to the Package ar-desk-office [see description].
  The documents are processed by cognitive research services that extract lexical, and semantic content and many research keys.
Since the PDF documents are "read" by the cognitive search engine to extract the verbal content present in them, an additional option may be activated: OPEN A.I. services.

This option allows the user to request the creation of an A.I. Engine Instance the A.I. to collect the content of each text, the ones in original in-text format stand the ones obtained from reading the PDF files, to the generative cognitive engine.
When this option has been chosen, the package includes the corner of the generative chat app where the search has the support of the A.I. chat generation dialogue.
In this package, therefore, two cognitive engines can cooperate on request: an engine for search and lexical and semantic classification and an engine for generative knowledge.
Each content is translated into English by default.
This content or that in the original language can be the basis of the use of the Package of the translations to which you refer.



This package allows the creation of multimedia albums to organize structured personal information.
The user chooses a target image representative of the "dossier". This is sent and activated as an active image. Check and non-collision is carried out.
Alternatively, it can use a marker VUFORIA among those supplied and create the pilot icon of his study.
In fact, the combined use of the pilot icon (usable for all dossiers and therefore identifying the professional office, and its logo in augmented reality) and the marker VUFORIA replaces a unique identification target.
The package includes:
- Browser app to search for files in the local archive;
- apps for recording from vocal clip microphones such as annotations and creation of the generated vocal Blob;
- App for text creation starting from dictation to the microphone and textual Blob creation;
- App for the creation of Blob starting from the text files, images, and vowels present in the local archive;
- App for translation of text files into the chosen language;
- app resource creation pdf in the chosen languages starting from PDF files available in the local archive however produced
- app for composition of the multimedia album to be included in the practice
The final effect is that, with the use of the ApponlyView, the representative icon of the practice, the virtual reality below with all the components described above is rendered.



This is a reduced version of the environment that reproduces virtual reality.
The cockpit control panel is simplified.
It is limited to the showcase stand alone which dedicated to the rendering of the virtual reality of Dispatcher/Albums activated by the Royal Chamber.
The control panel does not include navigation support, virtual radius, navigation plans, navigation on notifications ...
The 3 Joy Stick base are available.
There are the First-Person CAMERA and the Real-World-Camera Chamber which displays the surrounding reality.
The drone room is not included.
Royal cameras are not included.

Panel 08 can receive Advertise.



The business unit provides a package for managing Real Estate Agency adverts.
The support service is structured in an innovative way to be able to access augmented reality with the support of lexical, semantic and cognitive AI services. generative.
Use tokens representative of the properties for sale such as
identification tokens which can be presented in augmented reality according to the following vectors:
- Physical agency showroom;
- SMART TV with a schedule that combines the various announcements, each with its own representative token and multilingual information as managed in the SMART TV schedules;
- by printing advertisements in general or specialized promotional publications or TV channels;

- Multilingual PDF resources;

- Multilingual textual and vocal cognitive support;

- Cognitive Search service for textual and catalogues and picture collections;

- Support for the presentation of 3D CAD drawings using the GLTF standard;

The local archive, textual, vocal, images and multimedia (movies) information constitute the augmented reality resources stored in the cloud with very high levels of security.
The search for advertisements for the buying public uses cognitive systems and A.I. support. generative can produce effective and rapid ads.

Full multi-language support written and vocal.
The inclusion of components dedicated to "dialogue" [called "CHIRP" simple and A.I.] or CHATS in augmented reality allows prospects an effective and modern interaction simply using the viewing APP (such as APPSimpleViewer).
The data is classified by type of access and diversified in the subgroup dedicated to other partner agencies or end customers.
The partner agencies are managed through the Friends or Groups APP.
Potential customers can also find a breakdown by target.
The use of the ADVANCE EMAIL APP completes the communication potential of texts, clips and attachments for consultancy or second opinion activities with full multi-language support written and vocal.

Rest APIs are available for content management.



The business unit provides a package for managing travel agency advertisements
The support service is structured in an innovative way to be able to access augmented reality with the support of lexical, semantic and cognitive AI services. generative.
Use tokens representative of the properties for sale such as
identification tokens which can be presented in augmented reality according to the following vectors:
- Physical agency showroom;
- SMART TV with a schedule that combines the various announcements, each with its own representative token and multilingual information as managed in the SMART TV schedules;
- by printing in advertisements in generalist or specialized promotional publications and on generalist TV.

- Multilingual PDF catalogues resources;

- Multilingual textual and vocal cognitive support;

- Cognitive Search service for textual and catalogues and picture collections;

- Support for the presentation of 3D CAD drawings using the GLTF standard;

- Optionally Radio Station activation
The local archive, textual, vocal and multimedia information constitute the augmented reality resources stored in the cloud with very high levels of security.
The search for advertisements for the client public uses cognitive systems and A.I. support. generative can produce effective and rapid ads.
Full multilingual written and voice support.
The inclusion of components dedicated to "dialogue" [called "CHIRP" simple and A.I.] or CHATS in augmented reality allows customers
an effective and modern interaction simply using the viewing APP (such as APPSimpleViewer).
The data is classified by type of access and diversified in the subgroup dedicated to other partner agencies or end customers.
The partner agencies are managed through the Friends or Groups APP.
Potential customers can also find a breakdown by target.
The use of the ADVANCE EMAIL APP completes the communication potential of texts, clips and attachments for consultancy or second opinion activities with complete multilingual written and vocal support.
Rest APIs are available for content management.
Multi-language support.



The business unit provides a package for the creation of NFTs.

The application range includes multimedia publishing applications.
The PACKAGE allows the sending of contents by sending them via API from the Service portal.
NFTs are posted on APP4AR's ETH-STORE booth.
The customer sends and sets:
- the representative image of the NFT. The uniqueness and validity of recognition are checked (on a 5-star scale it must have a quality score of 4 or 5);
- the textual, sound, cinematographic, vocal, photographic, 3D CAD GLFT resources that make NFT are chosen from the local archive and generate blobs;
- access the Cognitive Language Support APP to produce texts and voice reading in all supported languages, generating text and voice blobs;
- access the PDF APP to send PDF documents by creating multi-language PDF resources;
  - send the textual content to feed your Open A.I. model. cognitive. This will be the basis of a generative Chat if you decide to insert a CHIRP AI into the NFT;
- insert a simple CHIRP;
- access the Cognitive SEARCH Services for all textual and PDF components and images.
- using APP WALLET you can create the account associated with the NFT being created or alternatively communicate the Ethereum account you already have;
- in the case of presenting royalties to be guaranteed to THIRD PARTIES, you must send the Ethereum accounts of the holders of the royalty rights;
- access the Smart Contract template which regulates the conditions of sale to the public;
- indicate the text in the ETH-STORE catalogue specifying the base language. APP4AR will provide translations on the multilingual versions of ETH-STORE;
- declares whether panel 08 is enabled to receive advertising messages by specifying the accepted NACE1 and NACE 2 codes
- access the Smart Contract template which regulates the conditions of the rights towards APP4AR (percentage of the gross sales price) for each sale also indicating the percentage of the sale to be paid to each of the THIRD PARTIES. The Smart Contract presents the cost credited by APP4AR for the activation of the advertising message by the WIF if the NFT allows access to panel 08 of the SHOWCASE;
- optionally enter the Radio Stations for the chosen language, indicating for each the relevant Broadcasting

-- Fill in and send the personal tax information form and that of the third parties involved.

Agenda and language;
- access the APP to search for the ledger of sales and movements on the various accounts provided (credit and debit);
- access the list of public codes and names of NFT buyers;
Various APPs make up this PACKAGE to implement the above.
Rest APIs are available for content management.



Bonus or Ethereum-type promotional campaigns.
The customer sends and defines:
- the type of promotional campaign: BONUS or ETHEREUM BASED;
- the representative image of the promotional campaign of a unique type. APP4AR verifies uniqueness, non-collision and quality;
- access the Cognitive Language Support APP to produce the basic text describing the campaign with the promotions offered specified. This allows you to create the promotional description in all languages including the vocal production of the reading;
- indicates the start and end dates;
- send the PDF of the promotion flyer. It will be processed as a PDF resource in all supported languages;
- access the Cognitive SEARCH Services for the textual and PDF components;
- using APP WALLET you can create the account associated with the campaign if it is of the Ethereum type;
- access the Smart Contract model that regulates the Ethereum-type promotional campaign by indicating the bonus method (fixed or percentage of the purchase with or without limit for each sale)
- indicates the number of repeated uses of the bonus (the BAR CODE obtained from the WIF when subscribing to the Campaign). Multiplicity of use of the Bonus;
- for the Bonus campaign specifies the recognition methods (fixed or percentage of the purchase with or without limit for each sale);
The Service configures the connection interfaces with the Cashier system.

Rest APIs are available for content management.



This PACKAGE dedicated to WIF allows you to carry out searches in the real world.
The GEO APP includes:
- the component that allows you to know the current GPS position of the WIF and calculate the corresponding georeferencing code;
- the component for carrying out searches using the Cognitive Search Services by setting its geo-location and other filter parameters.
- the SHOWCASE stand to reproduce augmented reality.
The research concludes by reporting which augmented reality resources are available in the geographical quadrant in which the WIF is located. All information is presented including information on the code and public name of the creators of augmented reality instances and in case these information blocks carry a link to a virtual meta content (DISPATCHER), the WIF can select the one of interest to have developed in the SHOWCASE the entire augmented reality chosen according to your language.
Also reported, if available, are specific coordinates of Latitude and Longitude (which obviously fall in the same geo-reference quadrant) which, if chosen and inserted into GOOGLE MAP, will be able to complete the search.
There is also the COMPASS APP component to have a simplified radar guide to the destination of interest.



This PACKAGE, dedicated to WIFs, allows you to activate a text chat by inviting a user included among your friends.
The same PACKAGE allows you to receive notification of a text CHAT request.
The CHAT request notification is sent to the potential recipient only if the requester himself is included in his friends' list. Otherwise, the request is lost.
Once the connection has been established, APP4Ar checks the language of the caller and the called party and establishes the connection.
The PACKAGE includes the outgoing and incoming dialogues.
This service is free up to a character limit specified in the general parameters of APP4AR.
As an option, the caller can decide to activate the simultaneous TRANSLATOR.
In this case, the service is paid and is regulated on the caller's basic Ethereum account according to the tariff plan reserved for the calling WIF.
Each message entered in the participants' language is translated and presented to the other party appropriately translated.



This PACKAGE, dedicated to WIFs, allows you to activate a voice chat by inviting a user included among your friends.
The same PACKAGE allows you to receive notification of a vocal CHAT request.
The CHAT request notification is sent to the potential recipient only if the requester himself is included in his friends list. Otherwise the request is lost.
Once the connection has been established, APP4AR checks the language of the caller and the called party and establishes the connection.
This service is free up to a limit of duration of vocal chat sessions specified in the general parameters of APP4AR.
As an option, the caller can decide to activate the simultaneous TRANSLATOR.
In this case the service is paid and is regulated on the caller's basic Ethereum account according to the tariff plan reserved for the calling WIF.
Each voice message formulated in the participants' language is translated and reproduced to the appropriately translated counterpart.



This PACKAGE, dedicated to WIFs, allows you to activate a video chat by inviting a user included among your friends.
The same PACKAGE allows you to receive notification of a video CHAT request.
The CHAT request notification is sent to the potential recipient only if the requester himself is included in his friends list. Otherwise the request is lost.
This service is free up to a limit of duration of video chat sessions specified in the general parameters of APP4AR.
Once the free limit is exceeded, the service is paid and is regulated on the caller's basic Ethereum account according to the tariff plan reserved for the calling WIF.



This PACKAGE, is dedicated to APP4AR customers who wish to produce thematic image packages activated for subsequent sale on the ETH-STORE.
This PACKAGE includes:
- Browser searches for images in your local archive;
- Watermark corner to add textual meta content;
- corner for specifying the MARKET SECTOR of the content of the collection;
- creation of the 2D COLLECTION as an asset available for sale by indicating the description and basic language. These will be processed in all languages when the collection is added to the 2D COLLECTIONS catalog in ETH-STOR
- WALLET corner for the creation (if not already available) of the account dedicated to sales credits;
- Deployment of the SMART CONTRACT starting from a basic contract for SALE OF 2D COLLECTIONS. The producer specifies the economic conditions and signs the DISCLAIMER relating to any copyright conflicts.
The SMART CONTRACT includes:
- identification, availability and tax data of the producer which also includes an email for receiving possible complaints. This data is visible on the main blockchain. The SMART CONTRACT - also includes the contractual part relating to the rights to be recognized to APP4AR for the examination of the request (even if it does not end successfully) placement in ETH-STORE (one-off) and the percentage in case of conclusion of a purchase by the WIF concerned.
APP4AR receives the request for inclusion in ETH-STORe and after a content review will communicate to the manufacturer the inclusion in the 2D COLLECTIONS catalog or the reasons for the refusal.
Each image in the collection is examined for quality and non-collision. In the event of a collision of even an image part of the collection, the collection is rejected and the analysis cost will in any case be charged.
Collections have the following options:
- free
- for a fee
- with expected royalties
The Smart Contract must indicate which Accounts will receive royalties on the sale and whether in a percentage or fixed manner. In the case of royalties, the SMART CONTRACT also collects the tax data of the participants.



This PACKAGE is dedicated to APP4AR customers who wish to produce GROUPS of 3D GADGETS to be activated in augmented reality.
for sale on ETH-STORE or for use in your own augmented reality.
This Service requires the sending of the 3D CAD drawing in the supported formats as specified in the technical detail pages.
The PACKAGE includes:
- the corner for creating a 3D OBJECT PRODUCTION AND ACTIVATION PLAN;
- browser corner for searching CAD files in the local archive and sending them to the Service;
- WALLET corner for creating the account or entering the service debit account;
- deployment of the SMART CONTRACT as requested starting from the contractual TEMPLATE proposed by APP4AR and its partners;
- corner for specifying the MARKET SECTOR of the 3D GROUP content collection in the case for sale;
- corner for specifying whether the GROUP is set up for sale or for personal use. If entry into the ETH-STORE for sale is envisaged, the market sector and economic conditions must be specified and the DISCLAIMER relating to any copyright conflicts must be signed;
- the number of copies requested;
- data for shipping the gadgets produced;
SMART CONTRACT also includes:
- identification, availability and fiscal data of the client which also includes an email for receiving possible complaints. This data is visible on the main blockchain.
The Service uses 3D Printers for production.

It is possible to request an Activation service of already available GADGETS.

In this mode, the applicant must contact the Service to send the sample for processing by the 3D SCANNER service.



The technological components of APP4AR allow you to create applications that go beyond the limits of augmented reality, finding useful use in vertical applications dedicated to specific needs.
Remote Patient Monitoring is an integrated system of APPs derived from the basic augmented reality APPs and aimed at creating a patient monitoring system.
The RPN System is described in detail at the following link:
This system uses a PROPRIETARY version of the BLOCK CHAIN (necessary for the criticality of the data processed) ETEHREUM on AMAZON Cloud services.
This system integrates hardware components and devices present in physical reality in addition to the classic real components treated in APP4AR and present in other contexts.


APP4AR allows the approach to WEb3D, to augmented reality, to the metaverse, to artificial intelligence applied to language, to the production of content, to the analysis of images and texts from a lexical and semantic point of view, to blockchains, to Crypto Banks. 
It introduces an innovative way to manage information by placing it in physical and virtual reality, in cognitive search, language support and neural generation "engines".
offering designers and users an interconnected hybrid world with powerful AI tools in the background.
Navigation in this world is no longer based on simple link selections as we are used to in Web-based computing structures.
This new environment can be used using PACKAGES produced by the COORDINATED APPS FACTORY or by entering augmented reality via the complete APP.
The APP corner APPSimpleViewer belongs to this category.
They are available in two other versions:
a) version aimed mainly at the exploration of augmented reality called APPViewer.
Compared to APPSimpleViewer, the user fully accesses, immerses himself and moves around the Village in the main content square.
In this context, however, the cockpit is complete. Basic and navigation notifications are active. All the corners that link the virtual world to the real one are present and constantly listening and updated. Every corner of content is reachable. The user has a personal CAMERA (placed on the forehead), a camera that observes real reality, a drone camera that flies over and indicates its position in space, and dolly Cameras to navigate under the control and suggestions of A.I. or receive from other users in order to cooperate.
However, the corners dedicated to the creation of augmented reality are limited and are located in the second square closed by the access door.
b) version also aimed at the creation and management of augmented reality: APPFull.
Here the presentation component in the first square is slightly reduced to leave room for PROJECT corners and the second square is accessible: the door opens..
APP4AR and its partners will present a series of introductory and specialized courses in free or paid form.



These PACKAGES are used in particular for news agencies, for public warning systems, for traffic information systems, for meteorological information, ...
The APPs belong to this family, aimed at creating dynamically updated leaflets. The first is made LeafletTSPBuilder [Text Speech Picture Movie] and the corresponding one for viewing LeafletTSPViewer which allows you to create and keep updated online booklets made up of pages each containing a text, its reading and an image, some pages a movie,  in the versions for all supported languages. LeafletATPViewer is the viewer available to users and allows:
- to choose the language obtaining the corresponding version;
- scroll through the list of content providers (freely available for any WIF) and select the one of interest;
- restricted free content will be included in the list if the logged WIF is included in the authorized list
- if the WIF is interested in a paid leaflet for which it is not enabled, an application corner allows you to subscribe to the contents of interest;

The client who is interested in creating Leaflets (builder) free or paid, must assume the Leaflet Bulder Role by subscribing and deploying the related SMART CONTRACT.
The USERs (with account registered)  or CLIENTs of APP4AR interested in accessing LeafletTSPM for payment type, should examine and sign the SMART CONTRACT having the service provider as the credit counterparty. They will be charged on the base account.
The CLIENTs (only clients) interested in creating services (free or paid type) find in LeafletTSPMBuilder the application corner to define and activate the service by signing the underlying SMART CONTRACT having APP4AR as the credit counterparty. They assume the role of Leadlet builder.
If the builder opts for creating  a free service he must specify whether it is available for each connected WIF or whether it is limited to a list made up of a selection made among his friends (free restricted) ;
The builder will be charged for each active Leaflet.
APP builder includes:
- WALLET (at builder disposal)  for definition of necessary account and deployment of the SMART CONTRACT mentioned above;
- corner for access to blob containers for images and movies;
- corner for accessing COGNITIVE  TASK FOR LANGUAGES (task resource ID) to produce texts and related multilingual readings;
APP Viewer includes:
- WALLET to create the basic account if the WIF is not yet available;
- user interface to show details about a selected leaflet including the service fee in case of leaflets for payment type. The fee is related to every access and the amount is freely set by the builder;
Note: The viewer has the equivalent as components in augmented reality, presented in the SHOWCASE stand, and can be included in a dispatcher/album created by the same builder by specifying the list of his Leaflets to be included in the room present in the SHOWCASE stand.

The version for devices equipped with GPS allows you to obtain the geo reference of the WIF and can be integrated with APP-GEO-ALERT.
The integration allows you to receive in a menu dedicated to geo-produced by APPGEOREFALERTS the list of available leaflets published by customers physically close to the current position of the WIF.
Examination of the leaflet may suggest to the WIF a visit to the indicated physical location.



BUILDER Account role & Underlying Smart Contract


This family includes APPImCloseToYou and APPWhoIsCloseToMe and corresponding application angles in the general context of the Stand Squares served by the same functionality.
With the first, a wif content owner who has a georeferenced physical location can register his presence by specifying the GPS coordinates (from which APP4AR calculates the georeference) and associate a TSP or TSPM type Leaflet.
This subscription involves a monthly charge regulated by the ACNT-CLOSE-SERVICE on the basic account.
The APPWhoIsCloseToMe is a stand-alone APP (corresponding to an application corner in the context of the Stand Squares) which if activated by the WIF (i.e. in the general context when the WIF activates the service in the dedicated application corner) accesses the GPS of the WIF device, calculates the georeference and with the programmable update frequency queries for content points in the same georeference
The list is presented to the WIF and, if chosen, produces the associated leaflet. This APP is coordinated with the APP for reproducing TSP and TSPM type leaflets which are therefore under corners present within it.






2915 Ogletown Road, #346
Newark, DE 19713
Phone number
001 - 302-444-5274

This site describes the technological ecosystem developed by Equi Technologies International LLC DE U.S.A.
For more details please visit our website.

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