This APP serves as the application corner dedicated to sending emails.
-T he connected WIF can choose to send emails to a list of APP4AR users or customers who have enabled consent to receive emails from the selected by the WIF;
- or you can enter a group to which you are registered and the list of recipients is automatically created by choosing the emails of each participant who by default accepts emails from each member belonging to the group.
The email header is entered from the keyboard.
The body of the email can be:
- entered from the keyboard by declaring the language or using the WIF language by default;
- using the microphone-to-text collaborative APP;
- using the collaborative APP from sound clip to text;
- accessing a textual WEB resource;
The text is previewed and can be modified as needed.
The user can choose to send the text as displayed to the selected recipients free of charge. If necessary, you can make changes to the text displayed before shipping.
Or you can select ADVANCED delivery. In this case, it must declare the prevailing language of the original text however obtained and present in the display part. Can perform keyboard alterations.
Both the header and the body of the email are translated into each recipient's own language. The language is the one declared by the user, recipient customer in the archive of APP4AR subscribers.
The attachments can be of different types of WIF resources:
- Search and selection in text blobs;
- Search and selection in image blobs;
- Search and selection of sound clips in blobs;
- Search and selection in video blobs;
(texts and clips generated by reading);LANGUAGES COGNITIVE APP TASK - Search and selection in the resources created with the
- Search and select in PDF RESOURCES ;
- Search among active object images [attach WIF custom mono-use image active in Augmented Reality type]
Each attachment is completed with a list of languages or without a list. If there is no list, all the chosen recipients will receive the attachment. If a list of languages is specified, only recipients with the language in the list will receive the attachment
Through the use of type attachments ACTIVE IN AUGMENTED REALITY some entire virtual content is sent to the recipients.
To search for recipients among APP4AR clients and users is executed by the APP COGNITIVE SEARCH used here for full text search on system tables
The recipients are all those registered by the logged WIF in one of her/his FRIENDS GROUP. The group of friends therefore acts in this APP a mailing list
Whatever search means were used to identify recipes of interest, recipient candidates must consent to be included in the WIF sender's list of recipients.
The logged WIF must have been recorded as a possible email generator.
The exposed reception email can not only be an alternative to the email that each APP4AR user/client uses to interact with the APP4AR system but can be specific for each email sender that is authorized.
Users/clients can manage these permissions and specifications in the application corner called APPMyConfiguration to which please refer.
CHIRPs (of the two types SIMPLE to A.I. BOT ASSISTED) are active components included in dispatchers/albums for virtual reality.
A WIF that has enabled virtual reality associate the active components can decide to compile the CHIRPs contained inside and presented in the underlying virtual world. The WIF can dialog with the CHIRP according to its structure and can decide to insert an email to allow a follow-up of the contact.
It is, therefore, possible to search for the list of the CHIRPS (simple or A.I. Bot assisted) owned by the EMAIl SENDER, and choose to add all the emails specified in the compiled chirps instances to the list of recipients.
Each chirp instance compilation knows the language of the WIF author of each instance compilation.
APP related to CHIRPS:
APP Simple Chirp Creation APP Simple CHirp VIEW BOT A.I. Assisted Chirp Creation BOT A.I. Assisted Chirp View
a - Blobs of type Sound clip, text, pictures, active image mono-use target
For text blobs, the choice of version is the responsibility of the WIF. Each blob of type Sound clip, text, pictures, active image mono-use target attachment is completed with a list of languages or without a list. If there is no list, all the chosen recipients will receive the attachment. If a list of languages is specified, only recipients with the language in the list will receive the attachment
b - COGNITIVE LANGUAGE and PDF resources
For COGNITIVE LANGUAGE and PDF resourcesFor COGNITIVE LANGUAGE and PDF resources [multi language resource types], the WIF must choose the following options when choosing the attachments option:
- use the recipient's language version and if such version does not exist, DO NOT attach it;
- use the recipient's language version and if there is no such version, use the English (USA) version. In case even the English (USA) version does not exist, DO NOT attach it;
- use the version of the recipient's language and if there is no version, attach the version in the base language of the mail base text (WIF typing text). In case even this language version does not exist, DO NOT attach it;
Sending in ADVANCED mode causes the connected user's basic account to be charged a cost for each translation carried out according to the ACNT-ADV-EMAIL cost reason.
Only users with a basic account can therefore use this method. However, they have a free usesbase.